Retention or acquisition?
Should your marketing focus on retention or acquisition? It’s a tricky one. The last couple of years have inevitably...
Aim for what’s reasonable
Despite a lack of formal training on how to be a good leader, it’s a role many people acquire at some point, yet often...
Personalisation counts
Using a data-based approach to tailor a personalised offer to individual prospects by using data, can encourage them...
So, what are the 4 golden questions?
This is a technique shared with me by Ian Kinnery, an exceptional business coach based in the North East. We run a...
Losing clients
It’s fair to say that in a way, the day you get a client is the day you start losing them. There is a scene in Mad Men...
The Consistency Principle
Continuing the TV theme of the previous blog, why did my wife and I watch ‘Raised by Wolves’, all the way through to...
Why don’t they love you any more?
So, why do people stop loving your product? When I was 13, the TV show I loved above all others was…wait for...
The real value of values
In our latest business book group, we got around to discussing the value of an organisation’s values. Now, everyone in...
Why do people look down on comics?
Nowadays, when you say you like comics and superheroes, fewer people roll their eyes than they used to. But even today...