We are currently working on a marketing text book/workbook which is intended to be a practical course on what to actually do to market your business.Part of the process is to publish it online, periodically, so that we can finalise the text and see what people think.
So, what’s the purpose of the book?
This book is designed to give you the knowledge you need to spend less money and less time on marketing, yet still get better results. To understand what you are doing and why you are doing it.To help you avoid some of the mistakes we all make, which I’ve made too. To get you more business – which is the point of marketing after all. Throughout the book, you will notice some independent exercises that are designed to give you further food for thought, further reading, and more things to add to the mix.
Are you:
- Working in a huge company?
- Getting more than enough business and don’t want any more?
- A marketing consultant?
- Closed-minded in the sense that you don’t want to change what you’re already doing successfully?
If so, then don’t read these posts as you may be wasting your time.
You know what you’re doing and are no doubt doing it very well.
But, if you are:
- Working in a small to medium-sized business…
- Not getting enough sales and want some more…
- Are able to make changes to your business…
- Are open to some new ideas…
Then keep on reading these posts as this should be of use to you and should help get a bigger bang for your buck from your marketing.
Then keep on reading as this should be of use to you and should help get a bigger bang for your buck from your marketing.
Hopefully, you will use this as a workbook. It’s full of exercises and practical actions that will genuinely improve your marketing and get it working better for you.
If you work through it once and then continue to refer back, remember to add in your notes and comments so it can become something you use and use again. You will have a set of notes you can refer back to and help direct your marketing to get the most out of it. So, it’s worth spending some time to make it useful. Throughout the book you will be asked to complete various exercises and spend some time thinking, reflecting, and reviewing. Try not to skip over this and spend a few minutes on each activity.
The idea is that you are going on a journey – at the end of which you understand what to do, how to do it, and what not to do.